The activity descriptions provided in this summary of ESOL infused activities or assignments are intended to provide you with information about how you meet the requirements to earn the ESOL endorsement as part of your initial certification degree. It thus concentrates on the ESOL component of the activity or assignment, and may not reflect all portions of each class assignment or activity. Carefully read through the entire assignment description in the associated course's syllabus to ensure that you fulfill all assignment requirements. If the Electronic Portfolio Assessment row indicates Yes, this means that you will upload this graded assignment to your online assessment account in LiveText/Via/Watermark/Student Learning and Licensure, etc.
ESOL Endorsement Standards | 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 |
Activity Objective | Candidates complete an internship. |
Activity Description | Candidates become oriented to the role of the public school, school operations, and teacher responsibilities and begin to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to preparing for instruction, presenting subject matter, managing student behavior, and performing other roles of the teacher. Internship I serves as a beginning student teaching experience in the profession of education, where the theories, knowledge and skills developed through coursework and observation are fused into more meaningful interpretation through practical experience in actual teaching situations. This initial experience is designed to give the pre-service teacher short, successful experiences that are linked to coursework. |
ESOL-specific Reading(s) | Kopriva, R. J. (2007). Do proper accommodation assignments make a difference? Examining the impact of improved decision making on scores for English language learners. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice |
Generic Syllabus URL | N/A |
Detailed Assignment Description URL | N/A |
Electronic Portfolio Assessment | NO |